Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Air Words and a Broken Elbow

Tuesday 4-29-2014 7:26PM

Last night did not go exactly the way I wanted it to...
Was it last night or the night before?

I am actually getting better at remembering things, I swear. This morning, I wrote a long number in the air and I can 'look' at it any time I want to. If I am unsure of one digit, then I can just squint and see the elevation of that digit. If there are, say, a majority of C's in the word, then I will be able to highlight them in red (or at least it feels like red when I look at them, as if they have significance or weight).

I don't know why I can write things in the air all of the sudden. I think making a tulpa helped with the visualization parts of my brain. They are just letters or numbers in the air that I can move around with my hands, point to at random, say what they are, then get slightly freaked out. I think in tulpa terminology, it could be related to an HUD servitor. I tried making a compass servitor before. It resided in the bottom left of my visual field. Instead of pointing north, it would point to a building that I frequently visited. Interesting, but I lost interest after a few weeks for some reason.

I probably did not mention this, but I've had a broken elbow since last November (at least). It is not so painful as it is annoying. That means it has been broken for at least six months. That's not normal, is it? I went to Google to find out:

"Certain fractures in young kids can heal as quickly as 3 weeks, while it may take as long as 6 weeks for the same kind of fracture to heal in teens. And some fractures can take as long as 10 weeks to heal." - source

Surely this is not a professional source. I thought it took at least a month or two.

"Some tibial shaft fractures heal within 4 months, yet many may take 6 months or longer to heal." - source

Close enough. I'll take it.

Good night, everyone. Ha.

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