Do not take anything you read on this blog seriously. Do not let it change your mind about anything. Be the sculptor of your life.
Reading this blog at a late hour, such as 4:00AM will, in theory, anchor the feelings of loneliness obtained from your activities to your biological clock. This will, in theory, make you more likely to perform a similar low-energy activity at the same time. To break the cycle, I recommend that you look away from any bright lights and:
1: close your eyes and move to the next step when you aren't using any face muscles
2: try to listen to yourself breathing
3: try to picture the room you are in
4: try to picture what is outdoors nearby
5: make your own fifth step
This blog is intended for mature readers. Please leave this blog if you are under the age of 21. If you are older than the age of 30, then I must ask that you be accompanied by a person between the ages 21 and 29. Please do not drink alcohol while visiting this blog-- especially if you are a United States citizen under the age of 21. If you are a United States citizen under the age of 18, please refrain from smoking, as this is also illegal as well. If you are over the age of 100, then congratulations on your achievement and thank you for not smoking. If you don't smoke, then I thank you for not smoking.
To those who feel sorry for me, don't. Keep it to yourself, please. I won't stop you from saying anything because part of me doesn't like censorship, but it makes me roll my eyes. Saying something might distract others from the more useful purposes of the blog. My reasons for keeping this journal are my own and they do not include your useless sympathy.
There is an episode of House M.D. that is centered on amnesia called Houses' Head. I watched it on 4-28-13 (tonight) for the second time, but I did not know I had seen it before. Moments like that are incredible.
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