Saturday, September 29, 2012


Sunday, September 30, 2012 2:37AM

I do not have an excuse to quit, as there are other things in my life I can sacrifice to spend at least an hour each day meditating.

Edit: Wow. The truth hurts.

Progress: None.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Sunday, September 23, 2012, 10:12PM

Disclaimer: If you haven't given up on me by now, I appreciate the gesture, but whatever the reason is for you staying, remember that I'm a bad investment. You wouldn't read something if you knew it would... you know what? I can't convince you. Convince yourself. Find a reason to stop reading these posts.

Some things should never be read. They will make you think what cannot be unthought.

I know a lot of what I say doesn't make sense to you right now, reader, but I usually have a reason. If I don't have a reason, at least I'm representing the truthful form of my mental composition at the time.


I spoke to a friend this evening about sanity. What was said really changed my outlook on this tragic, beautiful situation. The conversation was long, so here's the conversation in a nutshell*:

There are three categories of insanity:
1: When someone loses their lifeline-- a lifeline being religion, a loved one, a way of life, or something else that is so important to that person that if it was gone, that person wouldn't know what to do or how to handle his/her world changing so drastically.
2: When someone is abused, such as being sleep deprived or subjected to horrors. Biological illnesses qualify, I think.
3: When someone thinks differently and is labeled that way.

This really hit home. I hope you get something out of this too, reader, but there was more. It was mentioned that people avoid thinking too hard about things because they don't want to fall into category #1 if they have a breakthrough. This is why people don't think deeply. This has to do with depression and loneliness, I believe, but I don't want to get sidetracked.
People in category #1 have lost love, money, prestige, and other valuables that can be molded like clay by others. These are the same people who gain murderous hatred, greed, and have their vision skewed by lust. People who can no longer control themselves. Untrained in the right automatic/instinctual processes and trained in the wrong ones.

Everything's connected.

*I speak this way because I sometimes record conversations if I think them to be important, the last one being the would-be conversation with a professor of psychology.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Monday, September 17, 2012, 4:28PM

Well, I haven't journaled for at least a week due to a combination of what life throws at me. I'm still talking to my pre-tulpa whenever possible, such as near-empty restaurants, when I'm alone in my room, or walking from class to class. I didn't want to do this, but I'm all about trust: I will try to only keep weekly updates from now on instead of being random. College takes up way too much time as it is, but I also have a lot to do these days. Also, if I set a goal for myself, then I'll remember easier.

I feel like I should make up for all the previously missed posts by making this post larger than a paragraph, but I don't have much to say. I'm frustrated because of my failures-- from not being able to create a tulpa before college started. Daymares are getting worse, but you probably already know that. I'm getting them in public more than I used to. I can cough a short time afterward or shake my hand as if I hurt it, but screaming aloud, transitioning from a daymare into reality while I am in an conversation, or muttering "get out of me" can't really be covered up.

I had a nightmare last night for a change: I was slipping on ice into a dark pit. I hate the cold. I'm tired all the time. My personality has changed for the worse-- I finally broke and I don't care about politeness anymore, which I am constantly fighting to fix. I am not doing as well as I want to in school (I am a perfectionist, so take this with a grain of salt). I know that college is not the right environment for tulpa-creation, but with these added variables, I don't see a tulpa being made any time soon. If I were my tulpa, I'd wait until I was thankful again.

Thankful: I'm thankful that I'm an interesting person... in a psychological perspective.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


September 9, 2012, 9:17PM

No more communication, so take what you want from it. Perhaps one needs to be able to think simply to do this.

Anger. I've been so angry lately. This isn't me, is it? I can't control it. I blame chemical processes in my brain combined with frustrations of intellectual immobility.

If I were a tulpa, I'd stay dormant from me no matter how many apologies I heard.

I don't know what makes me say this, but life has taught me that progress is so fragile. Making a single mistake can remove so much progress. This is unforgiving, but this is my style. I don't know if I've said this, but I'm not used to getting what I want.

Progress: Nothing.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Thursday, September 6, 2012, 11:12PM

Still here, but going to tulpaforce due to unusual occurrence of free time.

Progress: Very promising signs of progress in communication.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 1:04AM

It may have been mentioned that this writer enjoy the sensation of chills running down my spine, or ASMR, as it is officially called. Upon speaking to my tulpa, I tried to notice all sensations and ended up feeling rushes of ASMR. I hope this is my tulpa's method of communication. Got one again. I'll take that as a yes.

Also, if you want ASMR, it is often in the last sentence of short stories that are meant to elicit an emotional reaction. I plan on implementing the same strategy one day when I tell you a big secret that will blow your mind. If you're me and you're looking back at this journal, you will be impressed with your storytelling prowess.

If you want to feel ASMR, you have a good chance of feeling it when you have someone important to you whisper in your ear. It's the feeling that you know you are alive (or another person is alive). I have extreme empathy, so I guess this enhanced as well.

I told myself that I would stop being so skeptical. I told myself that I would start to actually take risks. I hope this helps anyone else who has been blind and stuck for months on end.

(Shivers rush down my back)
You remembered...
Of course

A long time ago, I think I told my tulpa (I'm fairly certain) that I enjoy the feeling.

Progress: ASMR communication? ASMR communication.


Tuesday, September 5, 2012, 11:59PM

Hello, reader. A break was taken from late-night homework to provide the reader with relief that the writer will increase post output, though tulpa output may drop. Actually, the news is not very relieving now that it is written down.

Progress: nothing

Monday, September 3, 2012


Monday, September 3, 2012, 11:41PM

It's been a while for sure. It occurred to me recently that I am actually racing myself in this whole tulpa creation process. I cannot remember the clear way I described it, but in short, it involves me eventually wanting a tulpa strongly, then my brain wants desperately to trick myself into being tired of everything and lowers its expectations until it is eventually satisfied with parroting.
In other news, I might have reached a new level of forgetfulness. In other words, this might get harder. Now that I mention it, I am also racing my degrading mind.
To think that all this time, I've been trying to go easy on the crazy.

Maybe I should talk about tulpae for a little while longer: I haven't been devoting time throughout the entire day as I did in the summer. Instead, I speak right before I go to bed (and fall asleep mid conversation) or whenever I am not doing anything at the moment (studying, stressing, complaining about college, etc). I'm frequently saying, "One of these days, you're going to say something back." I have stopped talking about what I remember I did that day and I'm mostly speaking seriously and opening up.

Progress: Communication... one way.