Saturday, June 23, 2012


Saturday, June 23, 2012, 6:51PM

Still reliving the crash.

Still narrating.


  1. 92 is a nice number.

    IRC fella here!

    I commend you for all your hard work at chronicling your progress, I know everyone goes at their own pace and that you have to strive through a lot of hardship and obstacles to get your tulpa, but I can already tell you're leagues ahead of me in the creation process. I hope someday to be as driven and focused as you are.

    Speaking of which, how do you keep yourself committed to narration? I see that you have a lot of narration and personality work, but I personally have a hard time keeping the attention to narrate for very long. Does it just come with practice?

    1. Thanks! I don't think it would take too long to get where I am if you stopped everything you were doing and set aside a long session or two each day (whatever is comfortable). I am not as committed to narration as I could be and I am in the process of removing a few distractions. Exponentiation would be a nice way to put it. The more I narrate, the more I am likely to narrate. The conversations are mostly flops, but before I get too discouraged, I remind myself that the beginning is the hardest part. In the beginning, we remove obstacles, find out the many strategies that fail, and generally feel like we are going nowhere. I hope this helps ICR fella, it will be worth it!

    2. Also, I do the best when I am alone, walking to no particular place (so slow that I get a sentence in before I take two steps), and without distractions such as music or anything that requires voluntary muscle movement. If I cannot think of anything to say, I just describe what I am doing at the time. Have you heard of free writing? Like this, I usually say what is on my mind without regard to topic importance. Also, were you referring to the year of '92? I can't think of why 92 is a nice number.

    3. Oh, it's just the number of your post as well as a number I don't get to think about all too often, and when I did I settled on liking it. Not a boring number.

      Hmm, I see your point that narrating more often would get me to narrate more often. At least by habit it'll be easier. Unfortunately even with all the time in the world I haven't been able to sit quite still for much longer than 30 minutes. My personal record is 46 minutes, so I think we might be squarely in the same boat as far as being unable to have a decently long session each day.

      I've heard of free writing, it's that stream-of-consciousness stuff, right? I don't think very well in languages most of the time, so sometimes I have trouble putting thoughts into words. Great thing about tulpae is they don't need perfect English, as long as you have an idea to convey they're good~

      Though honestly speaking (I don't know why I haven't done this before) I should probably try to 'teach' my tulpa basic things. It'll suck because it has no input or understanding from the tulpa, but it forces me to pay attention to her until I fully get the concept across. Glad I thought of that, I'll go try it.

      Again, good luck!
