Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Wednesday, August 8, 2012, 10:04PM

No tulpa talk today...
These posts are going to be boring if I don't ramble about something other than my progress (if it can be called that) so I'll talk about my theory of swear words.

Doofus and silly can be used as very lethal swear words-- potent to the point that it challenges (and if used properly, beats) the swear words censored from certain forms of media. What makes them lethal is that by using them, you are telling your victim that s/he is not worth a fancy cuss. Also, when a swear word is used too frequently, it becomes devalued. Less notable is the surprise factor that comes with using such a word in the victim realizing that s/he is being looked down on as not being intelligent enough or mature enough for 'grownup' language. To end my theory, using less words may be a good strategy-- especially in a counter-cuss. If the opponent spends fifteen seconds on a chain-cuss in your direction only to be looked straight in the eyes and told that s/he (and what they just said) is silly, it will hit hard. Exceptions apply for everything and judgement (analyzing the situation) should always factor into your strategy of any form of manipulation. This is an easy alternative to using large words to make the victim feel unintelligent, but I would highly recommend using large words due to its ability to, upon stumping*, put victims into a) blind rage or b) forced apathy. I am not responsible for any of the aftermath related to this theory, but don't let that stop you from getting into a safe argument. For science.

* Stumping, as I define it, is overwhelming of another's mind. Speak at a pace faster than they can record into their short-term memory (practice speaking without effort and with passion) and use large words. Quintessential. Intrinsic. Inflect your voice in waves to make it sound like you are droning on about how easy what you are speaking about is.

Progress: No certain signs of communication.

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