Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Tuesday, March 27, 2012, 2:32PM

I plan on keeping a gluttony-free diet.  I realized that I have a weakness to sugary foods.  I'm not going to completely stop eating sugar, but I'm going to cut down.  I don't know what rules I'm going to make for myself yet, but I was thinking:
1) No dessert after dinner.
2) If you are at a buffet, don't get more than one plate.
3) If your cravings are too strong, then leave the room that has food.
4) Eat less fruit and drink less fruit juice.  Substitute vegetables.

I have a buffet at my college for all meals, so I usually try to eat fast and leave fast.  I walked for about 70 minutes last Sunday, but it is already Tuesday.  Though I longboard frequently, I think I should hit the gym to jog or lift weights a little.  I want to start a good habit.

My thought process in being against gluttony is that I do not want to be a slave to my stomach.  I try to stay away from anything that is even slightly dehumanizing.  I once went through a phase in my life when I wanted magic to be real, so I researched it until I was obsessed.  A lot of what people call magic is very dehumanizing- the magic I sought could include any ability humans could possess, but the world did not know much about.  This includes psychology, music, and art: such are what make humans human.  I will meditate on how far I want to go.  Like always, I will try to stay away from extremes.

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