Friday, April 6, 2012


Friday, April 6, 2012, 4:40PM

I tried some meditation last night.  I didn't get much done because it was not very formal-- I simply relaxed while listening to 528 Hz tones.  I felt very strange when I first heard the tone.  It would also help if there weren't other people in the house to distract me.  Someone was audibly complaining about whatever first-world problems came to mind and I'm no monk-- I can't stand anything stressful.  So perhaps that will be today's topic.

Arguments.  Complaints.  Anger.  I just leave the room.  I am super neutral most of the time.
It may be because I grew up in a strange home in which my parents never put us through it-- they've never fought/argued/bickered.  Of course, I fought with my brothers, so perhaps not.
It may be because I have 'super empathy' (have I blogged about it yet?).  I can very much feel the stress and emotion other people do.

Also, I remembered this psychological tidbit that more or less states that if a person tells another what s/he is going to do, then that goal will very much likely not be realized because it is already realized in that person's mind.  This means that because I have a tulpa blog, I will probably not succeed in making a tulpa.  I hope to try my best to create one and in the mean time, win a fight against psychology.


  1. Hey,

    You were looking for resources on Tulpae? I don't know whether you've already seen this site or not, but the topic has gained popularity in the past few months. These guides have been written by people who already live with their Tulpae.

    If you need any additional information, you could ask your professor for literature about the phenomenon 'imaginary friends'.

    Right now, I'm also about 2 Weeks into Tulpa creation n. But - I wouldn't tell anyone, not even my closest friends, girlfriend or family, that I'm in this process. People will be seeing you as a weirdo from then on.

    Anyways, I wish you the best with you and your Tulpa!

    Here's the site:

    1. I wonder how you found this blog-- I thought it would take a lot longer for a tulpa-curious person to find. Thank you for the resources. That website name reminds me of a song:

  2. I found it through google as i was looking for other Tulpablogs and resources on this topic. If you don't mind me being a ponyfag, you can check out my blog on I'm not updating very frequently, but try to deal with topics other blogs i'm missing.

    1. What do you know? I'm on the 9th page of "tulpa blog" in Google. Your site looks good! I like the diagrams.

    2. Thanks.

      To be honest, I try to write about everything I deem plausible and worth mentioning in my blog. The rest I know is already on louderthanthunder and the linked guides/sites.
      Unfortunatly, the subject is sticked to so many misassumptions and myths (tibetian magick), it becomes really difficult to sort out the valuable things.
      Currently, I'm looking for literature on imaginary friends, since this phenomenom has been scientifically researched and is show many parallels to Tulpae. Even though people don't want to call them imaginary friends (because they think T and IF have different characteristics), I do believe they are exactly the same.

      The Rest of my knowledge is rather scattered and just floating around in my mind (hopefully you het what I mean). In spite of this I will probably write about those things once I get hold of them.

  3. Oh, and you mentioned publicity in one of your earlier blogs. You could contact Irish or FAQ_man (hosters of and ask if they could add your Blog to their list!

    1. Well, even if I was sure I wanted publicity, I won't have much going on until the summer when I can actually meditate in peace. I have thought about it, though.
