Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Tuesday, April 24, 2012, 10:46PM

I decided not to rely too heavily on images for my last session.  The session involved me trying my hardest to picture my tulpa, switching to something easier (a white circle), staring at the red light on the ceiling, thinking that it was Wednesday and panicking, and then deciding to try out a wonderland.
I have had this notion in the back of my head that if teleportation existed, then people teleporting would throw up after they reached their destination.  Other theories aside, I threw my guts up, fell in it, and stumbled around a bit.  I cannot remember if I tried to spin around before or after I landed in the wonderland.  If I started spinning before, then it was to orient myself and prove that I had control.  Spinning in place is a technique for stabilizing a dream, so I figured it would help anchor me to a meditation fantasy world.
I started to talk to the blur of line and color that is my tulpa, which consisted of a pep talk about focus.  I did not feel like I have progressed, except I noticed visualization in the beginning was better.


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