Monday, April 9, 2012


Monday, April 9, 2012, 1:39PM

I thought it might be worth mentioning: in high school, I used to leave the lunch table conversations with my friends to research in the library.  My friends all had short-lasting interests and I didn't think they ever did anything cool.  I was so quiet and different from them that I only listened to the conversations anyway.

When I researched, I was usually obsessed with a certain topic.  String theory.  Angels.  Genetic alteration to give humans wings (not likely unless microtubules are used). One of those topics was of cloning.  I just thought it was interesting that, in a way, I am going to create another person.


  1. "I just thought it was interesting that, in a way, I am going to create another person."

    It indeed is one of the most fascinating topics, which are there to discover in our everyday lives.

    1. Remember when I said that I was indecisive in post 16? I just received a memory trigger of me trying to decide on how to respond for a long time. Sorry for the late reply. In fact, I still don't know how to respond other than to assure you that I read every comment carefully-- and sometimes too carefully.
